Transportation, Eco-Living
Video: Save Gas, Become a ‘Hypermiler’
Dec 11th, 2018 | By Amy Leibrock
For those of us who must rely on a car, there’s actually a way to be much more fuel-efficient every time you drive. The secret is hypermiling, a set of driving techniques that can help you beat your car’s MPG rating. Our new video explains how it works.
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Eco-Living, Eco Ideas
Video: How to Waste Less Bread
Nov 13th, 2018 | By Amy Leibrock
How many times have you reached into the breadbox only to find a hard, crusty rock where a fresh loaf of bread used to be? It’s time to take back the bread! Here’s how to keep bread fresh as long as possible, plus tips for using up all those stale bread bits.
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Skin to Seed: How to Eat an Entire Pumpkin
Oct 11th, 2018 | By Amy Leibrock
Pumpkins. The plump, orange orbs are everywhere this time of year. While you’re picking out a few for Halloween decorations, it’s worth it to set aside a few for eating too. We’ve rounded up some recipes that will help you make use of everything but the stem, and we’ve found some ideas for what to do with the ones that get carved as well.
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How to Waste Less Lettuce
Oct 2nd, 2018 | By Jill Lightner
When Seattle-based food writer Jill Lightner started researching her book Scraps, Peels, and Stems: Recipes and Tips for Rethinking Food Waste at Home, she asked a diverse bunch of people what their most wasted foods were. “Every single family included leafy greens in their top three,” she said.
To help you waste less leafy greens, Jill offers up easy tips from her book, as well as a chance to win a copy for yourself.
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Food System, Eco-Living
Why You Should Plant a Front Yard Veggie Garden
May 31st, 2018 | By Amy Leibrock
If you’ve wanted to start growing food but don’t have much space, the answer may be right in front of you — your front yard, that is. Front yard vegetable gardens are a growing trend. Nevertheless, some people don’t even consider growing food in the front yard because they think it might look messy or lead to neighbor complaints. Those folks should think again, says Natalie Carver, horticultural director for Love and Carrots, a company that designs, installs, and maintains urban vegetable gardens for homeowners throughout the Washington D.C. metro area.
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Food System, Eco-Living
Seed Sharing in the Age of Climate Change
Feb 22nd, 2018 | By Amy Leibrock
Sharing seeds is the age-old practice of saving seeds from your own plants and sharing them with others. At first glance, it can seem like a quaint hobby, but seed saving and sharing can actually be an act of building resilience.
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Food System, Eco-Living
6 Ways to Shop Smart and Waste Less
Dec 29th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
We think of food waste as something that happens at home. But really, it starts with what we put in our grocery carts. With supermarkets designed to tempt us in every aisle, it’s easy to end up overbuying. Here are some tips to help you buy just what you need.
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7 Ways to Take Action on Idling
Aug 29th, 2014 | By Amy Leibrock
Most people don't realize how much gas they're wasting by idling their cars. But once they learn the facts about idling, they're usually more than willing to change their behavior. With that in mind, we've put together seven steps you can take to raise awareness about this important issue. Help us make turning off your engine rather than idling as commonplace as wearing your seat belt!
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The Compostable Cup Conundrum
Aug 22nd, 2014 | By Jeremy Kranowitz
In theory, compostable cups made from corn seem like a great idea, but in practice they're not aways the environmental boon we'd like them to be. Find out why in the latest blog post from Executive Director Jeremy Kranowitz.
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Staff Challenge: Go "Zero-Waste" for a Month
Jun 19th, 2014 | By Katrina Kazda
For Earth Day this year, we Sustainable America staff members challenged ourselves to work on ways to be greener in our everyday lives. Today we hear from Katrina, who set the ambitious goal of achieving a zero-waste home. Here's what happened...
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