Food System
New Toolkit: A Food Waste Challenge for Groups
Sep 10th, 2019 | By Sustainable America
Are you part of a group or organization looking to make a lasting impact on environmental issues? Food waste prevention is one of the most important projects you can tackle. To help groups take action on this important issue, we have just launched a new companion toolkit for the I Value Food: Too Good to Waste Challenge. It’s designed for workplace, school, religious or community groups, or it can be done by a group of neighbors or as a city-wide challenge.
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Food System
What the Amazon Rainforest Fires Say About Our Food Choices
Aug 28th, 2019 | By Amy Leibrock
The fires happening in the Amazon rainforest are sending a burning message: In the age of globalization and climate change, it’s critical to know where our food is coming from.
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This Guy Is Growing All of His Food…on Other People’s Land
Aug 20th, 2019 | By Amy Leibrock
Activist Rob Greenfield is spending a year growing and foraging 100% of his food. As if that’s not challenging enough, he’s growing all this food in urban Orlando with no land of his own. Learn how he’s relying on community to share the land and resources he needs to survive.
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The Nimble Cook: Put Ingredients First to Reduce Food Waste
Aug 15th, 2019 | By Amy Leibrock
Ronna Welsh’s new cookbook 'The Nimble Cook' will shift your perspective about the contents of your kitchen. Get her tips for reducing food waste, plus a refreshing gazpacho recipe that makes use of one of summer’s quintessential scraps: watermelon rinds!
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This Cheap Sensor Could Solve a Big Food Waste Problem
Jul 31st, 2019 | By Marlene Cimons
Scientists have developed a low-cost microchip that can tell if food is safe to eat.
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How Living Car-Free Made My Neighborhood Stronger
Jul 24th, 2019 | By Carla Blackmar
Is the key to going car-free right on your own block? Learn how Carla Blackmar inspired a neighborhood car-sharing system that is strengthening her community while reducing fossil fuel use.
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New Anti-Idling Toolkit: Take Action in Your Community
Jul 9th, 2019 | By Sustainable America
In the United States, nearly 4 million gallons of fuel is wasted every day as a result of vehicle idling. We’ve developed a new anti-idling toolkit to make it easy for anyone to take action against idling and make a positive impact on the environment. Help us make turning off the engine rather than idling as natural as wearing a seatbelt!
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Electric Ice Cream Trucks: Two Scoops, Hold the Emissions
Jun 28th, 2019 | By Amy Leibrock
The sound of an ice cream truck sends kids and adults digging for change on a hot day. The trouble is that most trucks need to use a lot of fuel and spew dangerous emissions while parked to power freezers and equipment. Is there a way to get a greener frozen fix?
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Anti-Idling Laws Gain Momentum Around the Country
Jun 17th, 2019 | By Amy Leibrock
When it comes to reducing harmful vehicle idling, laws and regulations are a good start, but they aren’t very effective unless they are enforced or paired with public education. Find out what cities like New York, LA, and Washington D.C. are doing to solve this problem.
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