How to Waste Less Lettuce
Oct 2nd, 2018 | By Jill Lightner
When Seattle-based food writer Jill Lightner started researching her book Scraps, Peels, and Stems: Recipes and Tips for Rethinking Food Waste at Home, she asked a diverse bunch of people what their most wasted foods were. “Every single family included leafy greens in their top three,” she said.
To help you waste less leafy greens, Jill offers up easy tips from her book, as well as a chance to win a copy for yourself.
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3 Ways AI Is Working to Improve Agriculture
Sep 25th, 2018 | By Elaina Tiller
Artificial intelligence is changing many things in our lives, including the way our food is produced. Find out how new technologies are helping farmers reduce chemical inputs, detect diseases sooner, buffer against labor shortages, and respond to weather conditions as the climate changes.
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Food System
5 Ways to Green Your K-Cup
Sep 14th, 2018 | By Katrina Kazda
While the convenience of single-serve coffee systems is celebrated by many, the appliance’s darker side—the mountains of unrecyclable waste—is equally abhorred by sustainably-minded folks. Fortunately, alternatives have been popping up on the market that allow you to keep enjoying that hot cup of coffee when you want it while reducing plastic waste and capturing the used coffee grounds for compost.
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Food System
The Rise of Community Food Forests
Aug 29th, 2018 | By Catherine Bukowski and John Munsell
In the past six years, the number of community food forests has grown from a handful to more than 70. But what are community food forests, and why are they capturing the imagination of people in neighborhoods, towns, and cities across the United States?
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Transportation, Innovation
Hytch: An App that Pays you to Carpool
Aug 17th, 2018 | By Lew Blaustein
Nashville startup Hytch is helping solve Music City’s traffic problem by rewarding drivers and passengers who carpool and rideshare with cash and other incentives.
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Food System
Why Ozone Levels Pose a Challenge to Food Security
Aug 9th, 2018 | By Divya Pandey, AXA Research Fund; Lisa Emberson, University of York, and Sofie Mortensen, Stockholm Environment Institute
Ozone is a well-known and interesting gas. It is thought of as a “good” gas when present in the stratosphere, where it forms the ozone layer sitting 15 to 30 kilometers above Earth that protect life from detrimental ultraviolet radiation.
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Food System
Can Reducing Light Pollution Help Pollinators?
Jun 22nd, 2018 | By Amy Leibrock
Planting pollinator gardens, avoiding pesticide use, and buying local honey are important actions you can take to support pollinators, but here’s another idea to add to the list: reducing light pollution.
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Transportation, Innovation
How School Buses Could Help Run Your Air Conditioning
Jun 13th, 2018 | By Kevin Stark, Energy News Network
What if instead of sitting idle for much of the summer, school buses had a seasonal job helping to balance the electric grid? The state of Illinois is about to test that potential.
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What Are Partial Zero Emissions Vehicles?
Jun 6th, 2018 | By Katrina Kazda
The designation “Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle” (PZEV) has many people perplexed. Certainly, childhood math would tell us there is no such thing as “partial-zero.” But while most of us are scratching our heads, PZEVs are quickly becoming the norm in gasoline vehicles. In fact, by 2025 all cars sold in America will be PZEVs. But what does this strange designation mean?
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