Food System, Eco-Living

6 Ways to Shop Smart and Waste Less

Dec 29th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

We think of food waste as something that happens at home. But really, it starts with what we put in our grocery carts. With supermarkets designed to tempt us in every aisle, it’s easy to end up overbuying. Here are some tips to help you buy just what you need.
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Eco Living

What's the Greenest Way to Ship Packages?

Dec 15th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

If you’ve found yourself buying more of your holiday gifts online every year, you’re not alone. Most Americans, 79 percent, shop online, and the volume of online holiday shopping increases every year. With so much free two-day shipping available, who can blame us? But does it make you wonder what effect all those doorstep deliveries are having on the environment?
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Food System

10 Ways to Use Citrus Peels

Dec 8th, 2017 | By Anne-Marie Bonneau

Citrus is one of the few fruits that comes in its own natural package. But did you know those peels can be more than just colorful wrappers? We asked Anne-Marie Bonneau, who blogs at The Zero Waste Chef, how she uses citrus peels — she had so many great ideas that we put them together in an infographic.
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Food System

New Study Measures the 'Foodprint' of Food Waste

Nov 28th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

As you scrape food into the trash, do you ever stop to think about all the resources you’re throwing away along with it? The land it was grown on, the water and fertilizer that helped it grow, the energy used to harvest, store and deliver it? A new study, by researchers from the University of Texas at Austin and Sustainable America, considered these questions by analyzing the resource use associated with our diet, including the portion that gets wasted. Our infographic breaks down the results.
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Eco Living

Building a Better Coffee Cup

Nov 27th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

The founders of TrioCup are on a mission to design a better cup of coffee—literally. What started as a project for a student competition is may be in a coffee shop near you soon.
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Food System

What to Do With Leftover Halloween Candy

Nov 3rd, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

Parent or not, Halloween candy is inescapable this time of year. Between your kids’ haul, the leftovers from what you give out to trick or treaters and the snack bowl at work, most of us are facing more candy than we can or should eat. To deal with this candy deluge, many people let their kids eat it for a week then simply throw away the rest when the novelty wears off. We get it—we shouldn’t sacrifice our health for the sake of reducing food waste. But before you send that sack full of sugary treats to the landfill, consider these ideas.
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8 Reasons to Turn Off an Idling Car

Oct 31st, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

It happens, we know. You’re picking up a friend, waiting for a food order, or just trying to warm up your car on cold morning — and you leave it running for a little while. It’s easy to let those minutes tick by, but getting into the habit of turning your car off when you’ll be idle for more than 10 seconds can make a big difference for your pocketbook and the planet. We put together this infographic to illustrate the many benefits of turning off your car. Be part of the solution by taking our pledge to Turn It Off when you'll be idle for more than 10 seconds.
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Food System

Now Showing: 'Wasted! The Story of Food Waste'

Oct 13th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

Today is opening day for Wasted! The Story of Food Waste. The new documentary, executive produced by Anthony Bourdain, aims to expose new audiences to the global problem of food waste and, ultimately, change our relationship to food. Learn how you can see it and who Bourdain hopes to reach.
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Cross-Country Race Proves Trucks Can 'Run on Less'

Sep 29th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

Get the results of Run on Less, a cross-country race that showed how the trucking industry could save 9.7 billion gallons of diesel fuel per year.
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