Papaya Waste: The Fuel of Hawaii's Future?
Sep 15th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
Similar to fruit crops on the mainland, a sizable portion of the fruit grown in Hawaii never gets to the supermarket. A staggering 35% of the state’s multi-million-pound papaya harvest is culled from packinghouses due to reasons like disease and pest pressure or post-harvest damage. A researcher sees potential to produce biofuels from all that wasted papaya pulp.
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Eco Living
Why and How to Shop by Bike
Sep 7th, 2017 | By Anne-Marie Bonneau
Today, we bring you a guest post by Anne Marie Bonneau, otherwise known as The Zero-Waste Chef. Anne Marie blogs about living a zero-waste life, and she's got some great tips. Here, she writes about shopping for food by bike.
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The Back-to-School Rule Every Parent Needs to Know
Aug 25th, 2017 | By Sustainable America
As kids head back to school around the country, here's one school rule every parent need to follow: turn off your car when you're waiting near a school. Use our new infographic to challenge your school community to take the pledge to stop idling.
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Eco Living
Find What's Fresh with the Seasonal Food Guide App
Aug 16th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
There are few things better than eating a peach at peak ripeness while it’s still warm from sitting on a farmers market table. But where I live, the local peach season is blink-and-you’ll-miss-it short — and I often miss it. With a new app and website from GRACE Communications Foundation, I’ll never miss another peach season.
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Eco Living
Car Sharing Beyond Uber and Lyft
Aug 2nd, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
A variety of app-driven companies are working to use technology to meet our personal transportation needs making it possible for more and more people to go car-free. Here’s a look at the options, including a few you might not have heard of yet.
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Food System
How to Reduce Food Waste Like a Chef
Jul 31st, 2017 | By Sustainable America
Are you ready to tackle food waste in your kitchen? Now, you can do it the way professional chefs do it with the "I Value Food: Too Good to Waste" Challenge.
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“Safe” Air Isn’t Safe Enough
Jun 30th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
A new study released this week shows that levels of air pollution that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency deems safe may not be safe enough. The study, conducted by researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, found that long-term exposure to airborne fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) and ozone — even below current standards established by established by the EPA — increases the risk of premature death.
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Food System
Are You Watching 'Scraps'?
Jun 15th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock
Cooking with food waste has officially tipped the trendy scales. The concept now has its own TV series, called Scraps, which launched in late May on the FYI network. Sponsored by Sur La Table, the half-hour show features the cookware retailer’s chef Joel Gamoran and other chefs who create menus made with often-tossed items, like herb stems, broccoli stalks and chickpea water.
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Food System
What to Do with Lonely Leftovers
May 18th, 2017 | By Brette Sember
One of the biggest challenges of dealing with leftovers is figuring out what to do with small bits food. It seems like a waste to throw away a quarter cup of carrots or to toss that one piece of bread, but you can’t actually serve them as is. Author Brette Sember's has tips for rescuing even the smallest bits of food, plus a recipe for incorporating leftovers into a completely new meal.
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