Food System

Why (and How!) Your School Should Do a Student Food Waste Audit

Apr 26th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

Food waste happens at all points in our food system, and school cafeterias are no exception. With 31 million school lunches being served every day, there’s a tremendous untapped opportunity to prevent student food waste and teach kids about food conservation at the same time.
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A Smart Solution for Truck Idling

Apr 20th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

Like most good innovations, Idle Smart’s automated idling management solution for trucks began with someone thinking, there’s got to be a better way. In this case, that person was a truck mechanic in Kansas, who realized a lot of the problems he was fixing were caused by the amount of idling trucks were doing while on the job. Functions like keeping cabin temperatures comfortable for drivers overnight or engines from freezing in cold weather are necessary to keeping trucks on the road, but idling engines cause wear and tear — and costs money in fuel and maintenance. Learn more about this smart solutions to truck riding...
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Food System

We're Digging These Techie Garden Tools

Mar 30th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

Whether you’re an experienced gardener or are just getting started, technology is trying to improve on age-old techniques of growing food. We like to think Sustainable America is part of this trend with Shared Earth, a website that helps match up would-be gardeners with people who have land to share. You can use it to find a plot to garden — or someone to garden on your land. Ready to plant? Check out these tech solutions to common gardening challenges.
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Food System

How to Start a Shared Garden

Mar 17th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

Are you planning to have a garden this year? Maybe a better question is, are you able to have a garden this year? Interest in growing food has exploded in the last decade, but getting your own plot of tomatoes or cukes going may seem impossible if you lack enough outdoor space or don’t know how to garden. Learn how millions of people are solving this problem through garden sharing.
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Food System

5 Ways to Get Involved With Food Rescue

Feb 28th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

As we wrap up #LoveFoodRescue month, we want to leave you with some ideas for getting involved in food rescue in your area. As a reminder, food rescue is the act of saving wholesome food that would otherwise go to waste from places like grocery stores, restaurants, markets and dining facilities and getting it to those in need. It’s a great way to cut down on food waste and help people at the same time.
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Food System

'The Gleaners and I': a French Food Rescue Film

Feb 20th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

During a dreary 1999-2000 winter in France, filmmaker Agnès Varda explored modern-day gleaning in the documentary The Gleaners and I. The 17-year-old gem of a film, which can be streamed on Amazon or Netflix, is worth a watch for anyone interested in the interwoven threads of waste, poverty, and human ingenuity.
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Food System

Valentine's Day Is for Food Rescue Lovers

Feb 8th, 2017 | By Sustainable America

This month, we’re teaming up with Jordan Figueiredo, anti-food-waste activist and founder of, to spread the love for food rescue organizations and volunteers that are reducing food waste and hunger in communities around the country. Join in the #LoveFoodRescue movement by using our Food Rescue Locator to find organizations in your area to support.
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Food System

Working to Solve Food Waste? Start Here

Jan 30th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

In the last few years, interest in solving the food waste issue has exploded. Research is being done, documentaries are being made, toolkits have been written, campaigns have been launched — all in an effort to reach a national goal of reducing food waste by half by 2030. Now, a public-private coalition of food waste groups has created a website to gather all of this great work in one place —
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Food System

Are Food Waste Bans Working?

Jan 11th, 2017 | By Amy Leibrock

In the fight against food waste, a handful of states have enacted policies that ban some generators of food waste from sending food scraps to landfills. These laws are new, so data about their effectiveness isn’t widely available yet, but a pair of reports from Vermont and Massachusetts were released recently that show these policy solutions are making headway.
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