This month, Sustainable America will welcome the arrival of its new Omega Garden, an innovative rotary hydroponic system, which will serve as one of three indoor, urban agriculture demonstration units showcased in our new Stamford office.
Designed with efficiency, simplicity, and maximum yield in mind, the Omega Garden system is a cylinder-shaped hydroponic system that slowly rotates around a light source. It requires as little as 2 X 3.5 feet of space, but its shape actually provides 20 square feet of growing space with the capacity to grow up to 80 plants to maturity! That same cylindrical design means the plants capture almost all of the lumens emitted by the system’s light source, meaning greater energy efficiency than traditional hydroponic systems.
As the cylinder rotates, it passes plants slowly through a feeding trough where plant medium absorbs only the water and nutrients that it needs. This results in strong, healthy, and pure growth and uses much less water than other methods. Interestingly, the machine’s rotation combined with gravity’s influence, compresses the plants, producing more internodes, or flowering sites, with stronger growth.
Taken together, this unique mixture of features produces a robust harvest. In fact, the Omega Garden team has found that they can get up to 3.5 times more in harvest per plant, on average, and this is all done without the use of any chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. Now that’s impressive.